Email service with unlimited aliases for security privacy
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Posted by Larry_in_Bangkok
Sep 30, 2021 at 07:06 AM
Does anyone know of an email service that offers a large number of aliases—not Fastmail?
I expect to pay.
For security & privacy I use many different email aliases on just one email account.
Each sender gets a unique email address so they can’t track me for “marketing” or “hacking”.
All incoming emails come into one InBox, so effortless to manage.
Has been working very well, but ...
Using Fastmail (20 years).
But Fastmail has a growing management problem.
I’ve seen the same problem at other companies many times over many years.
Always leads to big trouble.
So, I’m looking to replace Fastmail with some other email service that offers aliases.
I’ve searched.
Some email services do offer aliases, but only a few: 3-10.
Need hundreds; 500 at least.
I’ve looked into setting up a private, email server (such as on Digital Ocean).
But overhead too complex to make that worthwhile for just one person.
Or is there a better way to accomplish security & privacy in email addresses, other than using aliases?
(Not encryption or anything like that—just aliases.)
Thank you.
- - - - -
Note: The management problem at FastMail?
About five years ago they changed focus from email service to “diversity” and “virtue signalling” instead.
Always and everywhere that change leads to trouble in any product or service.
Can’t predict when, but I don’t want to be depending on FastMail when their troubles begin.
Posted by MadaboutDana
Sep 30, 2021 at 07:55 AM
Hm, our business account with 1&1/Ionos allows us to (a) create unlimited e-mail addresses and (b) create aliases for those e-mail addresses (in some cases, we have lots). The e-mail addresses can also be simple redirects (i.e. not mailboxes), so effectively aliases. Their basic business accounts are not expensive, and it all works as it should. We’ve been with 1&1/Ionos for nearly two decades now, and are still very happy with the service (it’s even improved over the years!).
Posted by Larry_in_Bangkok
Sep 30, 2021 at 08:15 AM
Thank you, MadaboutDana; I appreciate you posting a suggestion.
However, exactly the same problem there as at FastMail.
I’m still looking.
If anyone prefers, I’m happy to discuss any aspect of this, privately, in email.
Here is an alias to contact me:
(But, please, don’t try to get clever by taking back-bearings on that alias.
Just “” is not me. )
Posted by Steve
Sep 30, 2021 at 02:35 PM is very powerful. As far as I know, there are no alias limits.
Posted by NickG
Sep 30, 2021 at 06:10 PM
This is effectively what “Hide my email” does, but only for iCloud accounts