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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 24, 2025 at 02:05 PM
No doubt he’s a fan, but these influencers often seem to be fans of whatever app they are writing about at the moment. Having said that, Amplenote is a program I have tried and like, though I have decided to use MyInfo 8 as my main pkm, information program, etc.
Dormouse wrote:
>satis wrote:
>FYI this week Shum Omi posted another Amplenote video, comparing it this
>>time to TickTick and Todoist.
>Do you think he should be regarded as an Amplenote publicist?
Posted by satis
Jan 26, 2025 at 03:14 AM
Daly de Gagne wrote:
>No doubt he’s a fan, but these influencers often seem to be fans of
>whatever app they are writing about at the moment.
I wouldn’t tar him with the same brush as random influencers. If you watch his videos he outlines the positives and negatives of the products focused on, but persuasively explains why he chose Amplenote for himself… and it’s a choice he’s stuck with for years.
By contrast a lot of people in the PKM sphere keep the churn going to keep up viewer/reader/listener interest. I can think of one Italian blogger/podcaster/videocaster who has switched between nearly a half dozen PKM apps in the last few years, offering deep-dive tips and tricks to those who subscribe to his subscriber channel; each time he switches he dismisses the previous app he’d once wholeheartedly embraced and recommended. Last I heard he was back to Todoist, after leaving it for Reminders/GoodTask, TickTick, and Things. And I think he used OmniFocus even earlier.
You don’t see that churn with Shu Omi, nor do you see unalloyed fandom as with some influencers.
Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 28, 2025 at 06:27 PM
Hi Satis -
I agree Shu Omi has used AmpleNote for a long time.
I did not mean to “tar him with the same brush”.
And I think he does talk about pros and cons of apps he reviews. But he is a reviewer and an influencer, though I prefer him to some of the others.
To do his reviews he has to try the apps. Commenting about them he does make it sound at times as though he is using that app, rather than simply writing from the perspective of trying it long enough to be able to review it.
Having said that, I generally like his reviews, and think he tries to present an honest opinion in an objective way.
satis wrote:
>Daly de Gagne wrote:
>>No doubt he’s a fan, but these influencers often seem to be fans of
>>whatever app they are writing about at the moment.
>I wouldn’t tar him with the same brush as random influencers. If you
>watch his videos he outlines the positives and negatives of the products
>focused on, but persuasively explains why he chose Amplenote for
>himself… and it’s a choice he’s stuck with for years.
>By contrast a lot of people in the PKM sphere keep the churn going to
>keep up viewer/reader/listener interest. I can think of one Italian
>blogger/podcaster/videocaster who has switched between nearly a half
>dozen PKM apps in the last few years, offering deep-dive tips and tricks
>to those who subscribe to his subscriber channel; each time he switches
>he dismisses the previous app he’d once wholeheartedly embraced and
>recommended. Last I heard he was back to Todoist, after leaving it for
>Reminders/GoodTask, TickTick, and Things. And I think he used OmniFocus
>even earlier.
>You don’t see that churn with Shu Omi, nor do you see unalloyed fandom
>as with some influencers.
Posted by satis
Jan 29, 2025 at 05:45 AM
Saying “[c]ommenting about them he does make it sound at times as though he is using that app, rather than simply writing from the perspective of trying it long enough to be able to review it” is different from the original statement that he is among “these influencers” who “often seem to be fans of whatever app they are writing about at the moment.” Those are different claims. And I’m afraid I disagree with both contentions. His channel looks at numerous apps and I do not see him imply that he’s a deep user of anything but those apps he actually uses, or that he’s a fan if whatever app he’s discussing.
Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 31, 2025 at 12:08 AM
Satis, whether you agree with the statement I made which you quote that “he is among ‘these influencers’ who often seem to be fans of whatever app they are writing about at the moment” is essentially immaterial. I do not agree that he is such an influencer. But the fact is that in comments others have made such a statement whether you agree with it or not - notice I use the word “seem”. I was quoting the statement to illustrate the risk that honest, objectivere viewers face, I do not think it applies to him.
However, if you read what I wrote about “he does make it sound at times as though he is using that app” you miss my point that I, in fact, was deliberately differentiating him from others who “often seem to be fans of whatever app they are writing about at the moment.”
To reiterate: As I clearly wrote that “is different from the notion of those who “often seem to be fans….” In reality, that is a risk that reviewers face. In fact, to do what he does he has to use the software he reviews, and if he has used it enough to make it sound as though he was using it so that he can speak with some authority and that points to his integrity on which we both agree. The notion of a “deep” user in your reply to me is not something I was suggesting.
satis wrote:
Saying “[c]ommenting about them he does make it sound at times as though
>he is using that app, rather than simply writing from the perspective of
>trying it long enough to be able to review it” is different from the.
>original statement that he is among “these influencers” who “often seem
>to be fans of whatever app they are writing about at the moment.” Those
>are different claims. And I’m afraid I disagree with both contentions.
>His channel looks at numerous apps and I do not see him imply that he’s
>a deep user of anything but those apps he actually uses, or that he’s a
>fan if whatever app he’s discussing.