HyperPlan is so great
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Posted by Drewster
Feb 16, 2020 at 02:40 PM
For those interested, I’ve written a review of my experience with HyperPlan at my website.
Posted by Lb
Feb 16, 2020 at 06:23 PM
Thanks, it’s always fun to read user reviews of their actual use of IM’s.
Drewster wrote:
For those interested, I’ve written a review of my experience with
>HyperPlan at my website.
Posted by Tomasz Raburski
Feb 21, 2020 at 11:31 PM
I’ve just downloaded a trial version. It seems that there is no user forum for Hyperplan, so I will post my questions here.
1. Is it possible to assign a task to several persons at the same time?
2. The creation of new entries is slow. You have to open the form and fill it. Can you do this in the table view (like in MS Excell)?
Posted by Andy Brice
Feb 22, 2020 at 09:14 AM
Tomasz Raburski wrote:
>1. Is it possible to assign a task to several persons at the same time?
Currently, no. It is one of the more requested features. I’m still thinking about the way to best implement it.
For example. if a card has properties:
title=create website
How do I show this in the cards view when assigned is laid out by rows? Show the card 3 times, one instance each in alice, bob and charlie rows? How do I visually show it is one card appearing in 3 places - an alias type icon (like a shortcut in Windows)? It isn’t really practical to do a Gantt type diagram in 2 dimensions. Especially given that text ranges might not be contiguous (e.g. alice, bob and charlie rows may not be next to each other).
When I click on one instance of the card, presumably it selects all instances?
What happens if they layout rows by assigned and columns by status and drag the ‘alice’ ‘create website’ card to the ‘done’ column. Do I also move the bob and charlie instances to ‘done’?
If I delete the ‘alice’ instance of the card, do I also delete bob and charlie? Or do I just remove alice from assigned on that card? Or give them the option?
If they total by effort, how do I split the effort between the 3 rows? Equally?
Do you know if any other software has done a good job of this?
>2. The creation of new entries is slow. You have to open the form and
>fill it. Can you do this in the table view (like in MS Excell)?
Lots of ways to add a card.
If you Tab on the last cell of the ‘Table’ pane it will add a new row with default values. No form window.
Or, if ‘view>icon overlay’ is checked, you can click the ‘+’ that appears when you hover over a cell.
Or you can use Ctrl+I(Windows)/Cmd+I (Mac) or the toolbar icon.
Or you can right click on a cell and choose ‘Add card’.
Note that you can also import a CSV file with your data.
See also ‘quick add’ here:
I hope that helps.
Andy Brice
Posted by Andy Brice
Mar 30, 2020 at 09:36 AM
Several of the cosmetic issues you mentioned in the Mac version are now fixed in the latest release, along with some other bug fixes and minor enhancements:
Hoping to start on v3 in earnest soon.
Andy Brice