Omni roadmap (OmniOutliner on life support)
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Posted by Skywatcher
Jul 9, 2020 at 11:16 AM
I have owned alll Omni apps for both Mac and iOs at some point, but stopped upgrading them when they started reaching stratospheric prices, like others have mentioned here.
I’m very happy now with TickTick as my OF replacement, but the thing that makes me stay with OO is the column feature, which is quite unique as far as I know.
Posted by Amontillado
Jul 9, 2020 at 12:39 PM
Skywatcher wrote:
>the thing that makes me stay with OO is the column feature, which is quite
>unique as far as I know.
Those columns are handy. I haven’t done it in a real project yet - and may not ever - but it’s easy to go from OO to an Aeon Timeline. Add columns for start, end, participant, and observer, export to CSV, then import the CSV to Aeon. The grid of people-to-events gets filled out automatically.
I still like OO but I’ve stopped using it. I tend to put too many levels in outlines, because I’ll think of a detail or sidelight.
My current fixation with Curio solves that. When I want to write an outline, I use Curio. The Organizer (the hierarchical navigation pane on the left) and the main edit window, what Curio calls an idea space, make a workable two pane outliner for me. An outline entry ends up being a few notes flying in close formation and I don’t need all those levels.
Naturally, you can do other things with Curio, too.
If I could figure out a good replacement for OmniFocus, I’d probably move away from it. App-specific cloud syncing kind of bugs me. It shouldn’t, I guess, but it does.
Posted by satis
Jul 9, 2020 at 10:49 PM
Simon wrote:
>I dropped using all Omni apps a while ago when the prices went through
>the roof.
They did some sort of cost/benefit analysis of their non-core apps ( everything but OmniFocus, and to a lesser extent OmniGraffle) that resulted in the decision to dramatically increase prices (and reduce sales, and support, and development)... and then this March they let go of a significant minority of employees.
Posted by satis
Jul 9, 2020 at 10:58 PM
Amontillado wrote:
Skywatcher wrote:
>>the thing that makes me stay with OO is the column feature, which is
>>unique as far as I know.
>Those columns are handy.
Agreed. Unique, powerful feature. Lots of clunkiness elsewhere (like theming), but overall it’s a polished app and I do a lot of writing inside it to this day. But I worry about continued support, let alone advancement.
I was going through my old files and found a MACWORLD pdf from 1993 which had an ad from Inspiration, showing off its outliner-to-mindmap-and-back feature and I’m still a little shocked that all these years later we never got this in a modern app. Or ever got cloning copied from Dave winer’s MORE implementation of it form 1986. (Well, that dev did put it in Frontier years later, but he never properly marketed that app, which wasn’t a real outliner anyway.)
Mutter. Mutter.
Posted by steve-rogers
Jul 9, 2020 at 11:10 PM
Maybe a bit off-topic, but the one Omni app that I have become absolutely dependent upon is OmniGraffle. I use it extensively to assemble figures for publication and diagramming. I can find good alternatives for OO, but haven’t yet for OG. Does anyone have a good, MacOS alternative (leaves Visio out) for this purpose?