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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Jan 21, 2008 at 10:07 AM
quant wrote:
>I can only say so much that Archivarius was on my list of
>top 5 most apps used in 2007
I had never heard of the program before you mentioned it. Now I also read (at the Zoot forum) that it supports Zoot files and was intrigued. I checked the website
and was flabbergasted by the amount of files that it supports.
I had never considered using such a universal search program as they usually leave me out on two grounds: the programs I use (such as The Bat! which I depend on for e-mail) and my working language (Greek). In addition to supporting Unicode, Archivarius includes Greek in its morphological search, along with many other languages.
Will definitely give it a try :-) Thanks!
Posted by Derek Cornish
Jan 22, 2008 at 06:12 PM
Thomas wrote:
>From those that I at least tried, or used, I’d go with Ultrarecall, if my needs included
>the search capability.
>With exception of PDF, in the past I have found that UR had
>problems with indexing PDF, it would only index a part of many PDF files I had, and I’m
>not sure they fixed this (most probably not).
>If I was more afer categorization, and
>had a powerful search program like Archivarius, I’d seriusly consider MyInfo, and
>I’d only store links to those documents in MI, and use MI for writing and
>categorization, and Archivarius for searching. I tend to like the tags
>functionality in MI much more than tags in UR, and generally Mi is better in visual
>terms than UR (eg. it allows you to use text formatting on article titles, a biggie for
>me.) MI probably has a slightly better editor.
>UR has better web clipping than MI,
>but you can’t edit those webclips in UR directly.
Does anybody know if UltraRecall still has problems with indexing pdf files?
If Daly isn’t concerned about text formatting, and only intends to link his files to, rather than store them in, his program of choice, then I’d have thought that Zoot32 would be a good candidate after all (despite my previous comments) - and much more powerful than either UltraRecall or MyInfo for categorizing or note-taking.
It just goes to show how much choice of software depends on style of working. Once the notion of needing to store files within a particular piece of software is taken out of the equation, the options open up again.
Posted by Thomas
Jan 22, 2008 at 08:42 PM
>anybody know if UltraRecall still has problems with indexing pdf files?
Quickly tested on 3 files here, and it still doesn’t index them. It finds some texts in the first part of the document, but not those at the end.
Maximum size to keyword set to the default 20MB, the tree documents combined had less than 4MB.
Can’t guarantee the testing results, as I had no time to test meticulously.
Posted by quant
Jan 22, 2008 at 09:45 PM
I don’t use pdf indexing feature in UR, but I’m sure Kinook would have a look at the problem. Might be that I missed the topic of the their forum, but wasn’t aware of the pdf indexing problem.
Would you case to send the problematic pdf’s to ...
Thanks ;-)
Thomas wrote:
>>anybody know if UltraRecall still has problems with indexing pdf
>Quickly tested on 3 files here, and it still doesn’t index them. It finds some
>texts in the first part of the document, but not those at the end.
>Maximum size to
>keyword set to the default 20MB, the tree documents combined had less than 4MB.
>guarantee the testing results, as I had no time to test meticulously.
Posted by quant
Jan 22, 2008 at 09:49 PM
>Would you case to send the problematic pdf’s to
would you care ...
I wish this forum was a bit more advanced (edit feature, ...)