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Posted by Stephen R. Diamond
Jan 21, 2008 at 03:51 AM
Daly de Gagne wrote:
>Stephen, I am fortunate b/c the material is in my field so I can quickly set the
>structure, all the more so when cloning allows for multiple appearances of the same
>thing—the structure need not be perfect, and I do not have to obsess. I do not have to
>obsess. I do not have to obsess. I do not…. Anyhow, you get my point.
>I have tried a
>number of mind map programs—recently got MindGenius as I noted her a few months
>On a slightly different front, am trying to determine whether a mind map or a
>concept map is the best way for me to set up a knowledge base on brain structure and
>function. Any thoughts. I do know that visual is key to remembering and getting the
>over-view of an ever-dynamic process with more feedback loops and detours than an
>interstate highway construction process in the midst of an urban freeway
If this map isn’t so time-pressured, you might consider Axon Idea Processor. I haven’t used it, and it is a difficult program, in the sense that there’s almost nothing you can just dive in and do. But based on the commentary, it is probably the leading rich idea processor commercially available, at least on Windows. By “rich” I mean it is the opposite of an outliner or mindmapper and further out than a concept mapper. It provides a variety of kinds of diagrams to map processes with different formal properties. Other than that, it sounds like you want at least concept mapping, since you want to map the structure of reality, not the structure of concepts.
>There is a program called Recall Plus that is, I think, a more refined
>attempt to do what SuperMemo attempts.
>Also, in the analogue world, immediate and
>spontaneous use of index cards for anything—with no prior sense of classifying
>anything—is a very powerful modality in this whole process.
>What are you using
>these days for idea processing and management—because it always seems you’re into
>fairly complex, conceptually oriented material of a legal and/or philosophical
I use MindGenius for inductive outlines and Maxthink for deductive outlines; Brainstorm as a repository for thoughts; OneNote to analyze documents, mostly cases and statutes. Editpad Pro and AceText for drafting.
Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 21, 2008 at 04:10 AM
Stephen, thanks. Our minds are going in similar directions.I had thought of Axon, but it takes a while to get into it. My sense is that it comes later for presenting the knowledge—but that the sorage needs to come first in a way that will let me slice and dice constructively.
Interestingly, as I said earlier, Ii still see no need for a IdeaMason of Biblioscape, even those these are supposed to good progrms for this stuff.
Bottom line, the only need I see for either of them is making the biblio refs.
Stephen R. Diamond wrote:
>Daly de Gagne wrote:
>>Stephen, I am fortunate b/c the material is in my field so I can
>quickly set the
>>structure, all the more so when cloning allows for multiple
>appearances of the same
>>thing—the structure need not be perfect, and I do not have
>to obsess. I do not have to
>>obsess. I do not have to obsess. I do not…. Anyhow, you get
>my point.
>>I have tried a
>>number of mind map programs—recently got MindGenius
>as I noted her a few months
>>On a slightly different front, am trying to
>determine whether a mind map or a
>>concept map is the best way for me to set up a
>knowledge base on brain structure and
>>function. Any thoughts. I do know that visual
>is key to remembering and getting the
>>over-view of an ever-dynamic process with
>more feedback loops and detours than an
>>interstate highway construction process
>in the midst of an urban freeway
>If this map isn’t so time-pressured, you
>might consider Axon Idea Processor. I haven’t used it, and it is a difficult program,
>in the sense that there’s almost nothing you can just dive in and do. But based on the
>commentary, it is probably the leading rich idea processor commercially available,
>at least on Windows. By “rich” I mean it is the opposite of an outliner or mindmapper and
>further out than a concept mapper. It provides a variety of kinds of diagrams to map
>processes with different formal properties. Other than that, it sounds like you want
>at least concept mapping, since you want to map the structure of reality, not the
>structure of concepts.
>>There is a program called Recall Plus that is, I think, a
>more refined
>>attempt to do what SuperMemo attempts.
>>Also, in the analogue
>world, immediate and
>>spontaneous use of index cards for anything—with no prior
>sense of classifying
>>anything—is a very powerful modality in this whole
>>What are you using
>>these days for idea processing and management—
>because it always seems you’re into
>>fairly complex, conceptually oriented
>material of a legal and/or philosophical
>I use MindGenius for inductive
>outlines and Maxthink for deductive outlines; Brainstorm as a repository for
>thoughts; OneNote to analyze documents, mostly cases and statutes. Editpad Pro and
>AceText for drafting.
Posted by Ken Ashworth
Jan 21, 2008 at 06:26 AM
Daly de Gagne wrote:
>What happens when you
>want UR on more than one stick? Do you pay for another copy? Or can you install UR on as
>many sticks as you want?
From UR Help - License Agreement
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:
Software. Each license of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may either be used by a single person who uses the SOFTWARE PRODUCT personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single computer used non-simultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license.
Doesn’t appear to distingush between Personal or Commerical use, appears more concerned with the Licensed User - provides some wide latitude.
Posted by Ken Ashworth
Jan 21, 2008 at 08:12 AM
Storing or Linking in UR - Edits
Edits to a Linked .doc will be saved (prompt) when moving focus off the Detail Pane, or by Saving via the application in the Detail Pane.
Edits to Stored .doc will be saved to the Stored copy, the Original will be updated when a Sync (Ctrl-F5) is invoked by the user.
If you want to “break” this linkage (Sync) for the Stored .doc, edit the URL Attribute to remove the path\filename - but leave the .extension (saw this in a post from Kinook, can’t find it now).
You might want to Cut/Paste the path\filename string to a user-created attribute.
It’s not clear how much editting you anticipate, or whether version control is important, this could become tedious.
To get the edited file back out, File | Export | Documents…, select the location folder to export to, the filename will be taken from the Item Title.
Posted by quant
Jan 21, 2008 at 09:41 AM
Re Archivarius:
cannot really compare with X1 (cause I only tried it, didn’t like it, and so quickly uninstalled).
I can only say so much that Archivarius was on my list of top 5 most apps used in 2007 (no one else mentioned it), and so far it has never let me down.
I can literally find needle in a haystack. When I just remember few words or a short phrase ... it gives results in a few seconds. And unlike a lot of competitors, it has a morphology search, and also supports wildcards * and ? . The “found fragments view” is excellent, you can quickly go through the found terms in that document. It has my full recommendation, if it means anything :)
>And re
>Archivarius, which I heard of for the first time several days ago, why is it better
>than, say X1, who soon want me to pay for my demo program?