Collaboration Frustration
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Posted by Ken
Mar 17, 2025 at 01:43 AM
Lots of great suggestions, thanks! I know my family members visiting use Google, so some of those tools can be an option. I’ll look at it in more detail, but what I had envisioned was something similar to Walling or Milanote - programs that allowed me to create bookmarks or “cards” with information that people can move around or comment on. I want to offer them a variety of activities since I am not sure what they want to or what kind of food they wish to eat when visiting. I will also explore the links to the other programs mentioned. I have Zoho Notebook, but have moved on to UpNote as I prefer its clipping abilities.
Thanks again for the suggestions!
Posted by Ken
Mar 19, 2025 at 05:41 AM
Paul Korm wrote:
If you or one of your collaborators has a Craft license (or a Setapp
>subscription, from which Craft can be installed), then it is pretty
>simple to create and share a document that anyone can edit whether they
>have a license or not. The shared document is accessed in a browser
>using a link the document creator sends them. I like Craft for this
>because it makes pleasant looking documents that are easy to modify.
>Once the sharing is finished, the creator can either delete that sharing
>link, or turn the document to view-only.
I think, to a degree, we may have a partial solution. I am trialing Craft and they have moved me to paid features for 14 days, so I cannot be sure of what I may or may not lose when it reverts. But it does allow commenting without signing up. It does not allow moving around blocks, but with commenting, I may be able to get close to what I want without a subscription. I have never played around with Craft before, and it seems like a pretty powerful program. Thanks again for the recommendation.
Posted by Paul Korm
Mar 19, 2025 at 08:25 PM
I hope it helps meet your needs, Ken.
Craft at first blush looks like a sort of Pinterest wanna-be, but under the surface are some interesting features.
Posted by MadaboutDana
Mar 19, 2025 at 09:15 PM
Er, Craft can indeed move blocks around, either by dragging and dropping (hover over a block, you’ll see a “handle” on the left-hand side) or using keyboard shortcuts (Option+Command+up/down arrow). In fact, blocks and their flexibility is what Craft is all about. You can drop blocks onto days in the calendar, you can move blocks between documents – it’s extremely powerful on that score.
Ken wrote:
>I think, to a degree, we may have a partial solution. I am trialing
>Craft and they have moved me to paid features for 14 days, so I cannot
>be sure of what I may or may not lose when it reverts. But it does
>allow commenting without signing up. It does not allow moving around
>blocks, but with commenting, I may be able to get close to what I want
>without a subscription. I have never played around with Craft before,
>and it seems like a pretty powerful program. Thanks again for the
Posted by Ken
Mar 20, 2025 at 02:30 PM
MadaboutDana wrote:
Er, Craft can indeed move blocks around, either by dragging and dropping
>(hover over a block, you’ll see a “handle” on the
>left-hand side) or using keyboard shortcuts (Option+Command+up/down
>arrow). In fact, blocks and their flexibility is what Craft is all
>about. You can drop blocks onto days in the calendar, you can move
>blocks between documents – it’s extremely powerful on
>that score.
>Ken wrote:
>>I think, to a degree, we may have a partial solution. I am trialing
>>Craft and they have moved me to paid features for 14 days, so I cannot
>>be sure of what I may or may not lose when it reverts. But it does
>>allow commenting without signing up. It does not allow moving around
>>blocks, but with commenting, I may be able to get close to what I want
>>without a subscription. I have never played around with Craft before,
>>and it seems like a pretty powerful program. Thanks again for the
Yes, there are a number of programs that easily allow blocks to be moved around. What I was wanting was the ability of a guest to move blocks around using a link and not having to create an account to do that. Few programs seem to offer this, and if they do, it is with their premium price packages.