MyInfo Is My Choice
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Posted by MadaboutDana
Jan 30, 2025 at 11:42 AM
Oh wow, that’s good news!
tberni wrote:
>> “We are looking into getting the iOS app back on the App Store with
>syncing functionality intact.”
Posted by Steve
Feb 10, 2025 at 05:17 PM
I am a MyInfo user also, primarily in a work environment. I am a travel agent, and have been since 1984 (me and George Orwell, we’re buds
I use info programs to capture the data I need while planning vacations (a project), so each vacation or group (projects) go into their own Section - using MyInfo’s terms.
There have been many similar information managers I have tried over the years; AskSam, Ultra Recall, Right Note, and even text only programs like Brainstorm and Notetab (those were in the pre-web days when websites were basically text displays).
As we all know, the programs that work best for each of use are very personal in nature, so ones that I do not use anymore is not due to their not being good, just not for me. Right Note is very good. I still miss AskSam, its demise not withstanding, I might still be using it today; assuming the web capture would have been fixed.
With MyInfo, I can import, capture, type, copy and paste, just about anything into it and have it become searchable AND the imported files are part of the database. I like importing those pdf’s and not have them floating about on the hard drive. Oh, and the web capture has truly improved. Being able to capture just a snippet of a page is very helpful.
When I complete a project, I move it to a “completed project” notebook. Quite nice to have a large database of searchable history. And again, it sure is helpful to have those pdf’s go along with the projects.