Evernote free user limits
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Posted by MadaboutDana
Dec 19, 2023 at 09:54 AM
Well, UpNote’s been around for quite a while now, and seems to me to be playing a rather clever game in the sense that they’re one of the very few multimedia notetaking apps that’s genuinely cross-platform and has excellent import capabilities. So modest as their pricing might be, it’s created a sizeable user base with consistently high reviews. Plus, I suspect, a solid base of subscribers who haven’t caught on to the “lifetime” option.
Yes, their model may change in the future – no different from so many other suppliers. There are other options. Joplin’s been cited here, and is an excellent choice for many people. There’s good ole’ Obsidian. In the end, people pay subscriptions for the apps that appeal to them. You could argue that all us Mac users really don’t need notetaking apps like Bear, UpNote, Bike, etc., because we’ve already got Apple Notes. And yet there’s still a thriving market…
So I’m a little surprised by your somewhat grumpy dismissal ;-)
satis wrote:
Silicon Valley is full of dead companies playing the ‘long game’ of
>money-losing customers until… profit$. Not impressed. And UpNote’s
>current pricing remains untenable, since most of its paying customers
>took the $25 lifetime unlock that was available for years.
>Since I doubt they’re bad at business they’re either planning to
>introduce a new subscription tier with features unavailable to people
>who paid once, or they’re looking to flip the app to a company that will
>do that.
Posted by Dormouse
Dec 19, 2023 at 01:11 PM
satis wrote:
> since most of its paying customers
>took the $25 lifetime unlock that was available for years.
It was less than $20 when I bought it.
And I don’t really use it. So my contribution is all profit to them. I doubt I’m alone in that.
Posted by satis
Dec 19, 2023 at 02:35 PM
Upnote had prices as low as $18.90 I think for ‘lifetime unlock’. Regardless, it’s almost impossible for people making similar ‘contributions’ to be a relevant source of their funding. It’s being sold as an Evernote alternative, and those who migrate (often large) Evernote accounts to Upnote without considering the cumulative costs to the company will be in for a shock when pricing/feature changes come.
No company can survive as an Evernote competitor with unlimited storage for a one-time fee. They’re either planning to introduce new tiers and data limits to current users, or flip the app to a company that will do the dirty work.
Posted by Anthony
Apr 3, 2024 at 07:58 PM
With the mentioned limitation, I don’t know whether people still use Evernote in its free version.
However, in recent news, the app reverted the trend of cutting options for no-pay users.
Several tools that were previously pro-only are now made freely available. The list is here:
Posted by Daly de Gagne
Apr 4, 2024 at 01:30 AM
That’s quite a positive move on Evernote’s part. I suspect they got the message loud and clear that too many restrictions were limiting use of EN.
Anthony wrote:
With the mentioned limitation, I don’t know whether people still use
>Evernote in its free version.
>However, in recent news, the app reverted the trend of cutting options
>for no-pay users.
>Several tools that were previously pro-only are now made freely
>available. The list is here: