Ideamason 3.0 released
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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 19, 2007 at 09:10 PM
Steve, make that three—Dominik, in addition to Jan and I, was a staunch advocate.
I am not thinking that Eric is an idiot—but I do get the sense that he’s under a tremendous degree of stress.
The fact remains that he has a great product that ought to have been refined before heading off Marco Polo like to China, or before playing around with Skype. If ADM 4 English gets recoded, properly debugged, and released in good shape within a few months I still think that it can make up for lost ground. At least that is my hope.
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
>Jan and Daly,
>From what you’ve said about Eric at ADM (and what Stephen Diamond said a
>while back), I wouldn’t touch ADM with a ten foot pole. What kind of idiot alienates two
>of his product’s staunchest advocates?! That is no way to do business, and is such a
>contrast with the terrific software developers we often discuss here (Connected
>Text, MyInfo, UR, IdeaMason, BrainStorm, etc…).
>Steve Z.