NoteTab for note-taking
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Posted by Steve
Apr 17, 2011 at 11:35 AM
I like Notetab quite a lot - use it everyday for text editing. What I don’t do anymore is use the outlining ability for notes.
Originally I used the outline for work notes and tasks to plan vacations for clients. It was very good for that purpose plus the outline could be exported to Bonsai.
There are two reasons why I stopped: 1) searching for text was too tedious as compared to a database such as AskSam. You have to go through each match one by one. 2) Managing completed work notes or just large number of notes became cumbersome.
Notetab in outline mode did very well for me in helping create notes on 1 topic - as in 1 topic per outline.
I would second the suggestion to check out Brainstorm. NoteTab and Brainstorm offer two different ways of accomplishing plain text notes in an outline layout.