Goalscape @ BitsDuJour on Friday
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Oct 28, 2010 at 08:49 PM
As it happens, my boss just asked me to plot out my goals for the next six months, so it seems like the perfect opportunity to put Goalscape to the test.
It is pretty easy and intuitive to use. So far my biggest complaints revovle around the output options. Not the formats, the PDF, HTML, and CSV options seem to work just fine. In fact, the HTML and PDF reports are quite impressive. I wish, however, that there were some options to exclude unneeded information. For instance, I don’t need the “Importance Percentage” information, and would just as soon leave that out—I mean, isn’t that only going to create a question in my boss’s mind about each of these? I’m responsible for all these goals, so there is no need to export that field into the report. Also, some items don’t need the start and completion date information—those items should print without the field titles for start and end date because they just take up space. Also, which ever goal was highlighted at the time of the export is highlighted in the printout, another possible source of confusion, as someone wonders why I’ve highlighted “print postcard,” but not “sell more books.” (The work-around is to be sure to highlight the central goal before export, then there isn’t so much confusion.) This is a version 2.x edition of this software. These types of issues should already have been fixed. Especially for the cost.
What I’ll end up doing is exporting to a CSV file, deleting the columns I don’t need, then exporting from there into Brainstorm or something.
Still, this exercise was interesting and Goalscape made it a little more fun.