Common features in Tinderbox and Twig
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Posted by Wes Perdue
Sep 12, 2010 at 07:12 AM
I just discovered, thanks to a tweet today from Mark Bernstein, Michael Bywater’s write-up of Tinderbox 4.5:
Tinderbox: from Michael Bywater
It highlights some of the new features of Tinderbox 4.5, two of which are stand-out features of Twig to me: Similar Notes and Common Words. So if you are up-to-date on Tinderbox and like those Twig features, you may not need Twig after all.
I bought Twig anyway, as I don’t mind supporting good development houses like Eastgate. I’ve not yet found the Tinderbox equivalent to the Noter, Twig’s rapid-fire input and search view; it can be useful in a number of different situations. Twig is also a good alternative to Notational Velocity as an interface into Simplenote.
The most important feature to me in Tinderbox 4.5, which prompted me to renew my license, is a key combination for edit-in-place in outline view: cmd+shift+return. This lack of this keystroke in previous versions was the one thing keeping me from using Tinderbox as my brainstorming outliner, since simple edits were not quick as a keystroke. Thanks to this improvement, Tinderbox is beginning to take the place of OmniOutliner for me.