DevonThink alternative?
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Aug 25, 2010 at 07:30 AM
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
>as far as I am aware (or can recall) nothing on
>the PC has the AI feature that DevonThink has.
I think that Atlas.ti as well as some of the software mentioned here could provide such functionality, though not necessarily the other information management capabilities of DevonThink. The price tag may be off the scope discussed in this forum.
There are two low-cost programs often discussed here that for me have proved valuable tools when organising texts: Brainstorm and Zulupad. Both can automatically recognise identical text strings and link them together, though they work in a slightly different way:
- Brainstorm entries are paragraphs (from 1 to 65,000 characters); identical paragraphs are recognised upon entry
- In Zulupad you can create links from keywords, phrases or paragraphs; thereon, each time you enter the identical text it will automatically become a link
It’s not semantic or AI, but still very useful IMHO.