My Perfect Toolbox if All Applications were Cross Platform
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jul 10, 2010 at 02:54 PM
Tom S. wrote:
>I might argue that Curio is a little farther away from the
>ON notebook paradigm, but I won’t. I think we all see different things in these
>I thought Curio was really interesting. Many, many features. My
>problem with it was that I kept running into bugs when I tried it. It could be that I was
>just using the wrong features through bad luck. But I kind of got the impression that
>the developer was adding features almost as they occurred to him rather than
>thoughtfully building the program slowly from the ground up. It’s a common trap in my
>I admit that I could be way, way off on this. The program is certainly
>worth a try.
>Like you, I strongly recommend PersonalBrain. Wonderful,
>cross-platform program. Solid as a rock. The only disadvantage here would be that
>it’s less likely to take advantage of the Mac’s native features.
Hi, Tom,
I should have been clearer when I was making the comparison between Curio and OneNote. The reason I think Curio is a closer match to OneNote than Notebook is that you can paste pretty much anything onto the pages of Curio, much as you can with ON. Notebook has some of that capability, but I don’t find it quite as versatile as Curio. No question that Notebook carries the notebook metaphor farther than Curio, farther even than ON. They are both very capable programs.
I haven’t had the bug issues with Curio you mention, but certainly do not dispute your experience. Curio had been developed at a pretty breakneck pace… one that seems to have slowed down a little of late.