Workflow of Dual CRIMPers -- those fortunate folks using both Macs and Windows PCs
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Posted by Cady
Apr 6, 2010 at 03:05 PM
Thank you all for your input, it’s a big help to see it from your perspective. So the way to go is probably: (1) Share between platforms mainly a selection of documents - PDFs, RTFs, (DOCs),TXTs - using a sync service (sugarsync, dropbox etc.) or a USB thumb drive (or my iPod for that matter, set to enable disc use); (2) Consider a minority of cross-platform applications (Evernote, Personal Brain, Xmind etc.); (3) Deal with the harsh fact that at some point, one stops trying so hard to maintain identical sets of data on his two machines…
P.S. I’m trying my best to resist the temptation of downloading Tinderbox…