James Fallows on The Personal Brain
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Posted by Dominik Holenstein
Aug 28, 2009 at 05:35 AM
I fully agree that the note editor in PersonalBrain is not first class. The tricky thing is that it is a HTML editor. One strange issue I have is that the font in the editor is shown in the size of 10 but when I print it of view it in the browser it is 12 a size I don’t like. I have posted this issue in the brain forum but I haven’t recieved an answer yet.
What you can to is to add a word file (or any other file type) to a topic. Just right click on the topic and choose the appropriate file type. The file is then in the same folder where your brain file is.
I do quick note taking, log writing, drafting etc. in the notes editor directly . But when I have to write a short manual or a extended meeting summary I attach a word file.
The notes editor definitely needs improvements.