Your choice of mind mapping software
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Posted by Graham Smith
Oct 18, 2006 at 04:18 PM
>The idea of mind mapping is seductive, but in practice I’ve never found it very
>effective for me.
I find it useful for particular applications. Initial brainstorming and when I want a one page overview of something - such as a lecture where I can scan my entire lecture with a single glance.
I have also found it useful, as you suggest, at meetings where it is easier to add thoughts as they occur than it is with a linear approach.
>My other issue with most of these programs is that they are so expensive.
As I already have licenses for several programs, this isn’t a particular issue for me, but I generally agree.
But Freemind is fine for the basic mind mapping task.
>wonder if anyone has given it much of a try and, if so, what they think of it.
I have no experience of this.
>Steve Z.