Zoot News
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Nov 18, 2008 at 09:12 PM
I bought a license for Zoot when I enrolled in an online MBA course a year-and-a-half ago. I was hoping that it could be my main information manager for all my academic information.
On the way, I found that background information could be more easily sucked into a dedicated application like Surfulater (for web sources) or the file system (for PDFs).I also found a dedicated writing environment such as that offered by Brainstorm unsurpassable. Thus Zoot has become redundant in my setup. Interestingly, I didn’t even miss a bibliography manager, though I may use one now for my dissertation.
That said, I have followed Zoot’s development and concur that Tom Davis is one of the most dedicated and talented developers I have come across. I think he was himself disillusioned by the difficulties he faced when working with 32-bit Windows tools (the original Zoot was apparently written in early Visual Basic). Now that he has come to grips with the environment, he seems unstoppable. I don’t know whether ZOot 6.0 will be ideal, but it will certainly be very powerful.