Is Evernote Becoming Useful?
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Jan 1, 2025 at 08:57 AM
exatty95 wrote:
>Are folks still relying on it?
I, for one, am still using it and intend to continue doing so if it is well supported.
18 months ago I had written on how my Evernote use came to a halt when I reached the ‘system limit’ of 100,000 notes:
I then spent time removing some older material, and saving new material on 2-3 potential replacement tools in parallel, while still mailing URLs to my Evernote account. The latter remained part of my regular ‘muscle memory’.
I kept getting error notifications in response to such mails, i.e., that my notes weren’t saved, but I figured that even if it never got recorded the Evernote, I would still have the mail archive.
Some months back, the error replies ceased and I assumed that Evernote had just given up on me. But, apparently, what happened is that the system limit for notes has been raised to 150,000 for my paid account.
This implies that development is no longer just cosmetic, but includes interventions in the database infrastructure itself. Let’s see how things evolve.