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Posted by MadaboutDana
Aug 9, 2024 at 07:52 AM
Very amusing! I was just reading an article that suggests well-known authors like Anne Rice and George R. R. Martin still use WordStar, for goodness’ sake!
Personally, I think WordPerfect was the best DOS-based word processor ever. I remember producing a 150-page software manual, complete with illustrations, box-outs and marginal notes, in WordPerfect 5.2 (on a Toshiba T1200 laptop) back in the day.
Cyganet wrote:
Author Robert J. Sawyer has just shared an archive of WordStar 7.0
>complete with manuals and utilities to get it running under windows. The
>archive contains the version of PC-Outline that was distributed with
>WordStar, and a comment to run PCO.EXE using vDosPlus, which is also
>included in the archive. I tested it and it works. I was also playing
>around with GrandView for Windows, shared here earlier, which seems
>easier to use than PCO.
>See https://sfwriter.com/ws7.htm for the complete archive and
>explanation of how to get the programs to work.