What note-taking app has *actually* helped you grow your thinking in unexpected ways?
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Posted by jaroet
Nov 11, 2023 at 01:09 PM
The most impactfull discovery was almost 25 of 30 years ago when I learned about wiki’s.
Specific the https://wiki.c2.com/?WikiEngines page I spend a lot of time on trying new wiki engines.
Linking between pages (on your local machine) was a great discovery and all the PKM tools that came after that are just more of the same (currently using Obsidian).
The second tool that had a big impact was PersonalBrain (currently The Brain). Specially the plex that shows only a small related part of the of youre complete graph (like a small part of a round ball) was impressing together with the fixed layout. The parents on top and childs at the bottom made it usefull.
I find most current tool graphs (including Obsidians) rather useless. I want to see my currrent note and all relations till a decent depth. Local note graph in Obsidian is rather good but the layout is every time different.