Heptabase - Crimp cured?
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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Oct 3, 2023 at 03:01 PM
Hi Dormouse - I am interested in what you wrote about using Mindomo in your writing process. I had not really thought much about using a mind mapping program in writing although I have used Mindomo for years in terms of brainstorming and planning activities. How are you using Mindomo? Thanks.
Dormouse wrote:
I find Tangent has the features I need for notes and doesn’t intrude on
>my thinking or writing. Simple and quite elegant.
>I find that I spend 99% of my time in it thinking and writing - where in
>Obsidian it sometimes felt I was doing well to hit 50%. And Obsidian is
>always available if I need an extra feature, though I haven’t so far.
>I’ve relatively recently switched my long-form writing to Mindomo and
>Word. Very smooth integrated workflow, and everything had to end up in
>Word anyway. And it’s easy to import .md notes into Mindomo if that
>should ever be needed. In some ways I always felt that HB was better for
>working with sources, but the evidence never quite backed that up.