A ramble about various note-taking applications
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jun 17, 2023 at 10:35 AM
That’s a very interesting video. It’s the first time I really understood how Jerry uses TheBrain. I’d like to use Tinderbox, but it only works on Macs, and I do most of the kinds of computing I’d use TB for on my Windows PC. That’s one of the things I admire about TheBrain—how much effort they’ve put into making it work flawlessly on Macs and PCs, and now with the web version it works much better on iOS devices (and, I imagine, on Android).
Amontillado wrote:
This thread and a Tinderbox Meetup video discussing Tinderbox and
>TheBrain - https://youtu.be/48sTpZ_u6lE - has me revisiting old choices
>in software.
>Generally, such thoughts rarely come to mind, often only a couple of
>times in a whole day of writing.
>I installed TheBrain yesterday and thought seriously about paying for a
>registration. Today, I’m starting to remember how much utility I get
>from Devonthink.
>Not shiny. Not pretty.
>Strong, though.