Curio 5.0
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Posted by Hugh
Aug 18, 2008 at 10:33 AM
Not excited as such, but I do think they can be a useful tool.
Two reasons. One, with many mind-map programmes but not all, initially you can just splat the screen with ideas, before you start drawing the relationships between them. This accords with my understanding of the recommended ways to brain-storm - first think of all possibilities, then arrange and critique them. (Right-brain/left-brain theories?) Making a list when outlining, even if unindented, immediately implies a hierarchy, which you may not want at that stage.
Two, some people visualise and understand pictures better than text, at least in the early stages. I think I’m one of those.
The ideal mind-map application IMO is one where an easily-manipulable map can be transformed quickly into an easily-manipulable outline, and back again. So you get the best of both worlds.