By WHAT do you (in parallels) structure? (woof-woof!)
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Posted by 22111
Oct 23, 2022 at 02:13 PM
I hereby WITHDRAW the above “crook Cook”, and I’m sorry!
- and let’s convene his name “invites” to such irregular invectives, as well as his “situation” does, since when we read that he just got another 100m p.a., and then, it’s a fact, that his staff does NOT tell you, before buying, e.g. the - very expensive after all… - “Mini”, that you are going to buy recent albeit already depleted hardware, you think again…
Since, as I have said above, most “prospects” simple do NOT have that time some pensioner like myself might have, in order to even read far-down-in-some website’s “outlining” hierarchy to be found user comments who share there brand-new real INFO, AFTER having bought, and paid, for such stuff…
Fact is, their “Mini” was launched AFTER the introduction of their “M1” = “Pro”, and now it’s simply got the “wrong”, the already “ancient” processor, and so it’s now “vieux jeux”, just some months after its launch, and that “Mini” - the so-called “form-factor” of which, according to me again, is quite “perfect” indeed - is NOT, as we all know, sold as their “entry device”, but as a highly-specialized, high-brow instrument for “professionals”... (more or less implicitely, I convene to that, but then, viewing movies, YT and the like upon it would be quite “bonkers”, so it’s a “work instrument” after all, and sold as that, no?
Now, I got my, this, “core info” from some “user”‘s experience, AFTER them having bought, at Apple’s very high prices, and that, dear fellows (irony off here…), is a state of affairs that isn’t acceptable by any standards anymore, and for selling expensive tools, just like selling (sic!) so-called “info” (by what at some time we used to call “the press”, but which nowadays are “all”, i.e. by more than 90 p.c. of them, “government spokespeople in waiting”), the WITHHOLDING of PERTINENT info, while selling, should be considered FRAUD indeed…
(The irony here being that we ALL are so-called “consumers”, AFTER that iconic “nine-to-five”..., but that a quite considerable fraction of us continues to pretend, them being some “managers” within some “corporation” within that aforementioned time-frame, that “since consumers are adults, they are expected to pertinently inform themselves accordingly to their interests as consumers, whilst corporation may remain free, please, to lie by omission, to them”... which in other words, is just asking people to spend the WHOLE of their evenings, after work, and instead of cuddling their wives and their children, and to show them some real interest (and which would indeed save almost ALL (i.e., again, more than 90 per 100) of those, according to the respective, “Western”, countries, divorce rates from coming realized: You simply can’t expect, and even from men, to serve some 20/24 “work” day… NOT implying by this that cuddling wife, German shepherd and kids would be some “work”, but we all just have to “give” somewhat “limited service” to those we love, and whom’s “bien-être” should be our foremost concern: We’ve got to sleep, be it just some hours per day, too, and all those - “crooks”, may I say?: just: really, really dishonest people - and then, sometimes outrageously lavishly indeed - LIVE ON our not “functioning”, not even for ourselves, and let alone for those who trust into us, 24 hours a day: there are NOT “crooks” indeed, but they are ticks on our human physiology: just like the terrorist that govern’us today, they BANK on our inability to really inform-us well, BEFORE buying/voting, an’then, we’re all, and definitely, what they call “screwed”...
SQLite, as even the name should tell us, has never ever been designed as a replacement for a real db backend, and whenever some of our “PIM” develovers relies on that misunderstanding that at the end of the day, SQLite COULD be brought its limits, and beyond, we, “consumers”, pay the bill.
As some of you will remember, some months ago, I - again in vain, f’course, haha! - had tried to instigate some “discussion” about the proper “filing” of disparate “items”, within some “big outline”, and there’s just one-n-single solution to that task: have some capable db back-end, which SQLite - “Lite”, mind you, for Heaven’s sake! -, is not.
We all know that one - sparsely intervening but valuable - contributor to his forum had said that Mybase (not the current version that is) showed deficiencies even on this side of a mere 10k of “items”... and I’ve said that for managing about more or less half of a million of “items” in UR - which I continue to endorse since we don’t get any better currently, (much-better) “corporate” solutions starting at or with e.g. 15 so-called “seats” - well, it’s hire-n-fire, so it’s the “seat” that counts there, right? -, at some 5-digits, price-wise… -, for almost half a million of “items” then, I need, in UR, some MULTIPLE DBs, not just one, and more specifically, and since just months ago, I, and my life altogether, had been threatened by some “minister”, “secretary of state”, among other candidates for some “Nuremberg II”, by some putting-to-sleep-while-finally-won’t-cost-anymore, I had, in UR (Ultra Recall that is, for the so-called “casual reader” here), assembled some 20,000 and more “items”, with regards to what they call “Covid 19”... whilst at the same time, having maintained, again in UR, as all my stuff since some time (again), some “politics” db…
And the necessary TANGLE between the two UR DBs finally proved to be impossible, since yes, you can discard even political measures re that disease from “other political (matter)s”, but you will then have to create hundred, thousands of sheer item copies, within “Covid”, and “Politics-by-countries”, for some (i.e. more-then-90p.c.-of-the lot) whore press, reacting to those measures, and, foremost, touting’em.
Now, in UR, and which I consider the very best of those, minor, SQLite-backed, “PIM"s, it was NOT possible to combine my “Covid” db, together with my “Politics-in-general” one, both, individually, totalling some 20,000 and more “items”, and totaling each about 2 GB… but then, SQLite had never ever been created for such tasks, right?
And thus, it revealed impossible for me to really integrate the role of that whore’s press with that “pandemy” phenomenon, since links to other DBs, in UR, while being technically possible indeed, are not really what you think in-links within your data compound should be.
And, at the end of the day, why then do something about “some special data compound”, off(side) your file system? The answer is oh-so-simple, and I wrote about that yet: Those developers rely onto the in-built FTS = full text search components of their db backend, SQLite in this, predominant, case…
Since otherwise, they should have to buy some, very expensive, and coming with severe limitations, search engine component, and well, that’s something inconceivable then…
For example, dtSearch, which is, rightly or not then, considered the “very best” of those components, not only charged you 15,000 some years ago, but also forced you then to put your data into some non-generally-readable format, which means that even, as some PIM developer, you spent the 15 grand, you couldn’t even leave alone your customers’, “users”’ data in some rtf, markdown or whatever easily-“exportable” “format”, but you would have had to scramble it, in order to make it “proprietary”.
That being said, Postgres has got its FTS (see above), too, and I suppose it’s even far better than (quite “basic”, after all…) SQLite’s is, so…
In other words: Any current “PIM” development, any current “outliner” development that is, is subject to that awful, “SQLite being our standard”, whilst SQLite had allegedly been created as a replacement for .ini-files, for up to a thousand, two thousand “items”, in other words, for better maintaining quite rather long lists… and nothing beyond that very specific task.
An’yes, the real culprit’s google, since originally they had promised, “we won’t be evil”... whilst nowadays, whenever you search for “vs.”, for “comparison / compared”, for “test”, for “review”, whatever… 9 out of 10 of their first tenners of “hits” are hits to whores who don’t just steal your time but who, much worse than that, will lead you up the garden path… and at the end of the day, ALL our current so-called “information management” is designed to just lead you off, off your interests, the ones of your wife’s, and, especially, your kids’ ones.
At the very end of the day, we’re currently witnessing the collective suicide of the so-called “Western”, i.e. neo-Christian (i.e. beyond Middle-Age, witches-‘n-stakes-n-all-that), real civilization (“enlightenment”, anyone around here? hahaha… and yet, you haven’t got 24 hours per day to do your very best, so you’ll be pardoned again…)... but then, I, originally, had thought that at least “academics” would be outraged, incensed… and would react… but then nothing… and so, whoever, asking, how could been possible, the demise of ancient Mexican civilization, or then even, and much nearer to all of us, the advent of the Third Reich? - Are you nuts, folks? We all know the answers, since given some “situation”, even the IQ 130, 140 of some folks don’t bother to react.
That being said: Forget SQLite-backed PIMs: Wait for smart Postgres interfaces… integrating NTFS, “Everything”... really integrating your “stuff”, that is…
Some very smart guy, many years ago, had something along the lines of, “your PIM just being some dedicated subset, and thus discarding the main of your your thoughts’ elements from what you think it should be put into some disctinct, deliberate outline, will NOT help you in your thinking”: that guy was oh so right…
(I’ll try to find the source…)
And thus, alleged “super solutions”, like “TheBrain”, are nothing than smoke-n-mirrors: so sorry -really! -, about your feeble illusions…
An’yes, the inherent fault of NTFS being that it’s not a db, i.e. that it doesn’t - i.e. its entries don’t - come with IDs, but that nowadays’ file system elements’ identification isn’t but fluid, by respective, aleatory position… not speaking here of them, dedicated, indices-using, query tools more-or-less all being subscription-based now…
With all due respect, but using, in 2022, SQLite for IM (i.e. as an information management back-end), is just proof of your inability to devise software anymore: just “coding” isn’t sufficient then, and it never was… and that’s, at the end of the day, the demise of the software industry: in their days, archivar(ian)s had the been the “masters”, giving access, or then not, to that “info” you were after; today, it’s the web that, while giving you, 9.5 out of 10 times, just gives you crap, instead of info, google being the main culprit in this indeed…, but whenever you try to create your own system of, real, véridique, true, info, it’s currently the limitations of the back-end SQLite or similar which will withhold you of “getting though”, i.e. thru to that “core”, i.e. to the “essence”:..
Well, you very certainly will have heard about the notion of “smoke”... and our “info age”‘s misfortune being that MORE than 90 p.c. of what we consider “info” is, in fact, just smoke, conceived to make you err…
An’now, we come to the advantage of those big corporations: They just have so much personpower that they are able to “cut the difference”, i.e. to discard the smoke getting to them… and that’s why they’ll always win.
They, them only, just get the whole picture of any situation, and then, they fine-grainedely select the pseudo-info YOU get… an’then, except for also reading into the utter depths of main web sites’ “comment” “outlines”, you won’t have a chance to look thru, too.
Since they deliberately withhold from you their core info… and even if you deploy some of the best of 2022’s “PIM"s, they will not allow you to bring together all those… theirs… lose-ends…
Hence, sometimes, even just innocuous, allegedly just “technical” limitations, will serve the purposes of those who’s aim’s to simply “get” you…