Vitamin R for getting things done.
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Posted by Larry_in_Bangkok
Jun 22, 2022 at 05:23 PM
“Vitamin R” software mentioned here a few times over the years.
This post asks if it is TIME-COST-EFFECTIVE as a tool for getting more done.
Not money cost ... TIME cost.
To organize tasks, priorities, times, delegate to whom, I use an outliner.
Which outliner doesn’t seem to matter—personal preference.
BUT ... and this is the essential focus of this post ... outliners don’t help much in actually getting things done.
Sure, they are help for organising priorities, times, delegating, etc.
But actually DOING ??
I’ve been looking for a DOING helper for a long time.
Pomodoro (tomato timer) software seemed a good start.
After all, the constraint to getting things done is TIME.
But when I tried Pomodoro, well, I didn’t find a lot of benefit.
Thanks to a few mentions on this forum, I just learned about “Vitamin R”:
Pomodoro on steroids.
I started a trial of “Vitamin R” and am using it now.
Your comments, please.
Experiences: good, bad, indifferent.
Love it? Hate it?
The biggest COST in any new software—in my mind—is the time to LEARN to use it.
To build up basic “muscle memory” and brain reaction time to make it a useful tool.
Takes weeks, months, sometimes years.
So I ask, you who are using Vitamin R, or have used it in the past, have you found it time-cost-effective?
Or not?
Thank you.