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Posted by 22111
Apr 9, 2022 at 03:05 PM
Sorry to be non-systematic here, I’m just brainstorming and developing a little bit, scribble-wise.
Above, that would not have been “consequent”, but “consequential”, of course, and other faults, sorry.
Those would-be-divers’ toys’ (well, totems’ in fact) claim would best be described as “With Omega / Rolex / AP (Audemars Piguet: very sturdy - not just glued together as Apple fare -, very expensive), your (difficult: much is at stakes indeed, big money and all) day will not make you suffocate, but make you dive-up instead in the end, and there’ll be a deep breath again beyond your current turmoil”.
There is a notable exception to the rule of tablets not being creational: For perhaps 1 p.c. or an even much lesser fraction of their user base, an iPad Pro, together with its pencil and the right software, is the per perfect, ultimate replacement for your (read: their) classic Canson sketch book. - Whilst Moleskines are for phonies, and their “Bruce Chatwin” myth, even independently of his more private penchants (s/m, anyone here?) most moleskiners would very probably refrain of, running, could be qualified of one of the most laughable marketing narratives ever, hadn’t it been so much efficient on those would-be crowds indeed. If you need a text or musical travel notebook, buy an Olympus DM-720 instead: it won’t choke, as your handwriting might do, when taking notes - I endorse this since you might be tempted to buy a Sony UX-560 instead, for (much) better “gestalt” - even I fell for them first, I have to admit -, but they’re not reliable at all (well, neither of two that is), and if you know about Sony, you know that they’ve got a reputation of not being reliable when it comes to after sales service, manufacturer’s warranty included, and I can confirm that, too (proof on record of course).
“gestalten” would best be translated by to form, to shape, whilst “Gestalt” means the whole thing, not only its surface, as “form” or “shape” would convey, and it’s fun to consider the neighborhood of the terms “creation” and “recreation” in the English language, which is not replicated in German or French for example: it’s fun to have another look upon iPad and iPhone in respect to these terms, both objects being used for recreational, not creational means almost all of the time, overall, and even if the term re-creation originally meant some form of Nach-schaffen (vs. Er-schaffen, = creating-again-even-if-to-some-minor-degree vs. the original creating - sorry for again using the philosophers’ language per se, but how otherwise could you fully describe what e.g. a today’s violinist does when they play Mozart aut al.?), a quick look around you in any subway at rush hour will convince you your co-passengers don’t read Milton e.g. and then think about what he wrote, but if they don’t ingurgitate (directly or indirectly, but it’s always in the 8- or 9-figures range per “paper”) government-co-financed press… releases (commonly known as “news”, whilst it’s more or less, and more often than not, propaganda), so, if they don’t (very inadequately) try to “inform” themselves, they “chat” or some:
Which is to say, the SHAPE their world - by both means -, and most of all, they shape their space-of-perception, be it by reading so-called “journalists”, be it by communicating with their “contacts” (and even before school / office, just 10 minutes before seeing each other in person).
Thus, that’s the layperson’s way of “creation”, of Gestalten, and their iPhone is their working tool - you know, I love really funny jokes (remember Deconstructing Harry’s beginning, with the special-job in front of the blind woman, and then again, after the first, quite (euphemism:) “soft”, hour, when shrink Kirstie Alley, in a more-or-less justified nervous breakdown of her own, dismisses her husband in front of her client?), and thus, I can only raise my hat to that genius who coined SHAPE for naming NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (near Mons, Belgium): what a brilliant joke indeed… and now, in Spring ‘22, even the aforementioned iPhone-gazing commuters got that!
What can I say? All those schoolgirls of any age, any sex - erenow, they were grounded after misbehaving and then getting caught, now mummy takes away their iPhone ad interim: poor little things! - literally NEED their totem, to get over their day, they EXIST in that totem, and without it, they’d consequentially feel zombied - and it’s iPhone whenever they can afford it (google “iphone rental”: oh, it’s so funny, so much joy!), since it’s the “original” - how could replicas (Samsung and all that crap, from Apple consumers’ pov) ever become iconic?
But over there, in google world, there are some genial merrymen, too, since, I cite wikipedia, “An android is a humanoid robot or other artificial being often made from a flesh-like material”.
Poor little things indeed!