Brainstorming tools
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Dec 8, 2021 at 01:35 PM
I don’t think I quite understand the question, because it seems to me any outliner should help brainstorm like a pen to paper, with some limitations, but also with some advantages.
I am reminded of the app Brainstorm, which is still available:
It is intended as a frictionless way to do a brain dump on a subject, then reogranize the thoughts quickly and easily. I never found it quite that easy (having to remember keyboard shortcuts is always a stumbling block for me).
Another method that works for me is writing about the subject, and turning it into a conversation with myself. But usually the best ideas come from interaction with others, and there are a ton of software platforms that allegedly facilitate collaboration.
Anyway, as I said, perhaps I didn’t really understand the question.