The killer feature i would need in an outliner right now
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Posted by Lothar Scholz
Jun 5, 2021 at 10:03 AM
James Salla wrote:
The old outliner program Brainstorm has something that sounds very
>similar to what you want: You can put a “mark” anywhere in a large,
>complicated outline, and then use a simple key combination to either
>move or copy entries elsewhere in the outline to that location.
>And, of course, Brainstorm has clones - although they call them
That would only work well if you have two views open.
THe problem is that you have to leave the source location in the outline and move to the destination losing your source and no way to come back. Using marks would not help too much, then i had to go through the source multiple times to gather all for a target and repeat it for the next target etc. The File Manager guys figured out the correct solution.
Maybe one day when i really want a cleanup i write a file that splits the bookmark html into a file tree and later merges it together again. Thats a quickly written script.