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Posted by BrainTool
Apr 26, 2021 at 10:18 PM
Hi Alexander,
I’m trying to answer all the BrainTool questions but being challenged by the threading format of the discussion group!
At the very least you can manually export-to and then import-from a local text file. So you can manually keep two browsers synced. I haven’t really designed for multiple concurrent use at this point, but given the ability to sync to a Google Drive file I think it could work if you are careful. With both browsers reading and writing the GDrive you’d just need to make sure to hit the ‘Refresh from Google Drive’ button each time you start work in a new browser. (Also the GDrive file is automatically versioned so there’s always a safety net to restore a previous version of the file.)
BTW since its kind of hidden here’s a pointer to the Overview writeup on the web site describing some more of the philosophy and roadmap:
and there’s a BT specific Google discussion group here:
Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
Thank you for the positive perspective! Thanks also for the writeup of
>your process, which also sheds light on the BrainTool logic.
>So here’s a potential challenge. Like Nomatica, I also use more than one
>browser. Would it be possible to for more than one browser to use the
>same BrainTool org file? (Ideally, but not necessarily, concurrently.)
>BrainTool wrote:
>>BrainTool developer here - My plan is to make BrainTool available on
>>Edge and Firefox, but probably not for a couple of months until I
>>up the 1.0 version (search being the major outstanding feature).
>>definitely seems to be the most requested!
>>BTW I posted a writeup of my personal org-mode and BrainTool process: