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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Apr 24, 2021 at 02:28 PM
Thank you for the positive perspective! Thanks also for the writeup of your process, which also sheds light on the BrainTool logic.
So here’s a potential challenge. Like Nomatica, I also use more than one browser. Would it be possible to for more than one browser to use the same BrainTool org file? (Ideally, but not necessarily, concurrently.)
BrainTool wrote:
>BrainTool developer here - My plan is to make BrainTool available on
>Edge and Firefox, but probably not for a couple of months until I finish
>up the 1.0 version (search being the major outstanding feature). Firefox
>definitely seems to be the most requested!
>BTW I posted a writeup of my personal org-mode and BrainTool process: