TheBrain 12 - Beta Testing Started
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Posted by Skywatcher
Nov 3, 2020 at 09:53 AM
22111 wrote:
>Dominik Holenstein wrote:
>22111 worte:
>>“Thanks for the trigger. See my follow-up:
>>Sorry, I don’t have the time to read and try to understand such a mess.
>This reminds me of the German chancellor’s, Ms. Merkel (Kasner),
>ex-functionary in the fascist murderous “SED” regime (i.e. of the
>“German Democratic Republic”), famous dictum “Not helpful”, on Mr. Thilo
>Sarrazin’s (ex German Federal Bank head) (2010) book “Germany abolishes
>itself”, “Not helpful!” - whilst it had been established, later on, that
>she had not even read it. Which, in turn, reminds me of Mr. Scholz’ “too
>long to read”, and then fervently commenting on my thread-initiating
>For some things, it’s the Germans, again, who own the spot-on term:
>“kindergarden” (google: 6m), hahahahaha! (Gosh, all that “meta” here
>where you fail, too… yeah, it’s rejoicing, but then, not constructive,
>in the end…)
@ 22111 : respectfully, you’re completely out of your mind.