Offline Database/Task Manager with Local File Links?
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Posted by SmallDog
Oct 29, 2020 at 07:52 AM
You can put a local file in an excel cell. And if it’s an office file, you even get a thumbnail and updates live with the content of the file!
Here’s an screenshot:
Steps to insert link to file:
Insert → Object → Create from File → Check ‘Link to File’ → Select File & Submit
Steps to make inserted file fit inside the cell
Right Click on Object → Format Object → Properties → Size and Move with Cell
Alternatively, theBrain can link to external local files quite easily by drag and drop. You can create a node (“Thought”) for each text to be dealt with, drag all 3 of its associated files into the app’s “Plex” area, and (provided the software setting for drag and drop behavior is set to “link” rather than “copy”), shortcuts will be created so that later when you navigate to the node you can launch any of the 3 attached files by the “open attachment” shortcut and selecting from the 3 associated files. You can also create separate nodes for each person on the project, and use e.g. a “Jump Thought” to represent the relation of “being the editor of” and a “Child Thought” to represent “being the translator of” (this is just a crude example). However there’s a bit of a learning curve, also I believe the ability to attach files is not available in the free version.