(The)BrainDead? (Hopefully not yet)
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Posted by Lothar Scholz
Oct 22, 2020 at 10:36 AM
TLDR; You want better import and that you can expand thoughts over multiple lines of hierarchy. Import is restricted and expand does not exist.
First to import. You say you are fine with writing a script based import, but can’t reorganize your existing data to have a folder=thought, file=attached structure?
Ok i see the problem that you can’t add thought notes then. You can, if they have would find some designated file like “.notes” in this import data”. This you should ask.
No expanded thoughts? Thats indeed a missing feature. As a programmer i don’t know what is so difficult to implement it. It’s done manually anyway.
But it’s always the problem that the feature you want might have a different priorities for the company. In the end thats why feature bloated software exists, because different people need different features.
Oh, and for the large 1 million thought database, well “The Brain” is not advertised as a database. So it’s your problem, even when i believe a good modern computer should not have a problem with it anyway.
I get one good thing out of your posting: You made clear that i will never offer a chat as support on my company website.