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Posted by Barrage
Jan 16, 2020 at 10:26 AM
LB wrote:
Hi Barrage, welcome to the forum.
>If the world of Outliners and PIMS excite you, then you’ve come to the
>right place.
>I’m not a hardcore user like a lot of people here are, but I can offer a
>few suggestions for you just starting out that would have saved me some
>time and money. Actually, I still would have spent the time and money
>on them, it’s just fun in a strange way.
>One of the first things you could do is make a list of what you want and
>what you want to do. Even if it’s just basic, the more things you
>discover the more you can add to it to evaluate against the different
>softwares. Also, you can post the basics of what you want on here and
>that will narrow things down for anyone to answer.
>Here’s a few suggestions for starting out. Think of what you’d want in
>the future also.
>-First and foremost which operating systems are you going to be using.
>Windows, IOS, Linux etc.
>-Do you want it Web based or Local file based.
>-Are you going to want to Sync it to your phone or tablet. Does the
>program actually do that and have those apps in your devices OS.
>-Do you want a PIM that’s basically the Calendar, Tasks, Contacts,
>Notes, Mail, Passwords, etc. or more of an Outliner.
>-Do they have any programming capabilities to use to manipulate data.
>Like InfoQube uses SQL (I believe) and NoteCase Pro uses Lua.
>-How do you want tags to work.
>-How does it handle Import/Export of data. What formats does it
>support. What information does it include, etc.
>-How does it do searches and what can you do with the results.
>-Does it use Attributes. Do you even want or need them.
>-Do you use Markdown,
>You get the idea.
>I think most if not all of the software has trial periods. Check them
>out, see if you like the way they look and feel. Use one of them to
>keep a record of the things you like and don’t like about them. Run
>them against your list and also change your list as you discover the
>varied ways the different programs work. If you find you like how X
>program does tags, then change your list and re-test and test the
>different programs.
>One thing I would definitely suggest is to get a trial copy of InfoQube
>and play around with it. It’s going to be overwhelming, but just know
>that. Jump on the forum and learn a little each day. It’s a really
>cool piece of software.
I mostly use Windows, but do have one Mac machine.
I definitely lean toward local file based, and while reading/syncing with android would be a major plus, is not absolutely necessary. Ive seen this is still in the works with most programs (tangent: Deja Office, VC Organizer, thoughts?)
Do you want a PIM that’s basically the Calendar, Tasks, Contacts,
>Notes, Mail, Passwords, etc. or more of an Outliner. More so the first side…though my discovery of ActionOutliner is what started this madness heh.
I like the idea of notebooks/catagories more than tags, though either is nice, both is better!!
I tend to like moar features!! Heh