DevonThink 3 versus Tinderbox versus VooDooPad
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Posted by Amontillado
Nov 27, 2019 at 04:41 PM
Good to know, Paul.
So far, I find myself thinking that Curio is what One Note should have been. It’s more flexible, all the figure types, etc., it’s just good stuff.
It’s got some quirks. I wouldn’t say I’ve found any bugs, but you have to learn how some things work. For example, open a Curio project and click on an Organizer entry (an idea space). The Meta button will show the meta info for the idea space. Now click into a figure. The meta button will show metadata for the figure. All cool.
Now click back on an Organizer entry, and the meta button will still be in “figure” mode, not “idea space” mode. Clicking on an Organizer entry doesn’t change the context of the meta button.
Curio is very nice. I’m dead set on either a subscription or a purchase, and I’ll get the full-up Pro version. It’s more than I arguably need, but when it comes to software like this, too much is never enough.
The references feature Matthew mentioned in an earlier post is very, very cool. You can follow a references to or from any figure. It’s almost like jump thoughts in The Brain, which I have long thought were genius. Since references in Curio are at the figure (object) level, they have utility beyond what The Brain offers in that regard.
Clay tablets and artfully trimmed wood stylii are all anyone needs to write. Things like Curio sure streamline the process, though. I’m going to enjoy using it.