Online alternatives to DevonThink?
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Posted by Makana
Oct 24, 2019 at 05:33 PM
I’ve been browsing this forum the past few days and wanted to pick the brains of all you smart people here. I’m searching for an online alternative to DevonThink. Fees are a non-issue. I’m looking for an alternative to DevonThink because being hosted locally and only on MAC it can’t be imported to our work environment which is made entirely of Windows machines and since we’re often on the road.
Requirements are that a software:
-Be accessible across multiple platforms
-Be capable of OCR conversion
-Categorize and group images based on their contents
You’ve sold me if the software does:
-Automatic grouping based on OCR generated files
-Can generate visible relationship maps
My organization is looking to streamline vendor outreach and our staff are on the road a lot. Having a software to convert static images into OCR files to organize *hundreds* of business-cards would help to help in ways that perhaps need not be mentioned. I’ve come to the conclusion that my best bet is to subscribe to DropBox Business. I am hoping someone can challenge my stated solution with better alternatives?