Brainstormsw : no shortcut to make descendants ?
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Sep 15, 2019 at 07:37 PM
At the risk of stating the obvious: you can also use classic Cut (Ctrl+X) and Paste (Ctrl+V) instead of the Mark functions. I.e.,
- select the entry you want to make a descendant,
- Cut,
- navigate to the entry you want to use as parent,
- press Home to go to the level below
- Paste
If you want to select multiple entries, you can use Shift and the up/down arrows for consecutive entries, or Ctrl+LeftClick for non-consecutive ones. Brainstorm is clever enough to remember the order of selection, and will paste the selected entries in that order.
The Mark(s) is/are still very useful when you don’t want to navigate to and fro, e.g. when you are going through random entries and want to collect only specific ones, by Throwing them to specific groups; the term ‘bucket’ is used in other tools for this function.
In this context, you can maintain multiple windows open, each with the content of one bucket, so that you see them filling in as you are processing your source material.
Hope this helps,