Author - an interesting app for composing scholarly work
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Posted by Paul Korm
Jun 1, 2019 at 12:57 PM
Interesting. I’ve tried this out. It requires shifting back and forth from keyboard to mouse / trackpad, which is a drag on rapid entry or brainstorming. Dynamic view cannot be used to build an outline—one has to do mouse clicks to add text from dynamic view to the end of a document, which in itself is a bit meh. Of course there is no hierarchy. I’ve used Author from time to time and feel it is about 90% very good but always a bit off target.
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
Author has added a “dynamic view” feature, which is similar to Scapple,
>but which is bound to your document. I haven’t really tried this out
>yet, but if it works like is presented in the video (second video down
>on the website below) it could be astonishingly useful… I haven’t seen
>any other app do this.
>Steve Z.