What are the note taking/task managing features you dont like or think they are useless?
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Posted by SmallDog
Apr 8, 2019 at 09:42 PM
I have something I call ‘context’ that I find very useful but I gather it’s not the same thing discussed here
It’s basically ‘geotags’ for your notes, which in my own cases are almost exclusively trains of thought
Often I remember a past train of thought, and the one thing I know with utter certainty is the “context” in which I had that train of thought ─── some cafe, while walking through some park, etc.
I use TheBrain so I just create a ‘jump though’ linking a note to ‘XXX cafe’ or ‘YYY park’. Then later you can get to those via these geotags.
I often do my work inside a office building, and I like to go to different floors to work. This means I have tons of extremely fine-grained geotags: 3rd floor, 4th, 5th ... each floor is further divided into this or that room, even this or that seat ...
Paul Korm wrote:
The concept of “contexts” always befuddles me. It feels artificial.
>“Oh, look, I’m in the garden. Let me look at my list to see what I can
>do now.” I know the GTD theory is “out of mind until you’re in place
>where the task can be done”. But, really?
>Tagging is a bit less artificial, and I do a lot of tagging in Dynalist
>—because it facilitates finding things in lists, not because it
>facilitates doing things.
>Luhmann wrote:
>>2. Contexts
>>GTD apps like the idea of contexts, but my work doesn’t have a
>>clear context. I could be at home, in my office, or at a café and
>>be doing pretty much the same thing. Location alerts are sometimes
>>useful however. For instance, to remind myself to pick something up
>>I’m in the office.