Your System - Functions and Apps That Fulfill Them
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Posted by apb123
Feb 9, 2019 at 10:54 AM
Great Topic
1. Brainstorming :: iThoughtsX / Devonthink Pro Office (I would like it to be Tinderbox but IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE!)
2. Random Notetaking :: Devonthink Pro Office / Apple notes
3. Scheduling :: BusyCal/Apple Calendars
4. Task Management :: Things 3
5. Thought Processing :: Thoughts X /Devonthink Pro Office
6. Knowledge Archive :: Devonthink Pro Office
7. Project Knowledge :: Devonthink Pro Office ((I would like it to be Tinderbox but IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE!)
If Devonthink Pro Office added mind mapping feature/ better note/markdown editor it could be my everything app.