Your System - Functions and Apps That Fulfill Them
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Posted by Luhmann
Feb 8, 2019 at 05:17 PM
1. Brainstorming :: Dynalist
2. Random Notetaking :: Drafts (iOS and Mac beta) (send to Evernote, DayOne, and Bear)
3. Scheduling :: Fantastical 2 and Calendar 5 (for the great “Week View” on iOS)
4. Task Management :: 2Do for personal tasks, Todoist for collaboration, and Trello for event planning
5. Thought Processing :: Dynalist
6. Knowledge Archive :: Evernote (receipts and web clips), Bear (non-private stuff), DayOne (private stuff)
7. Project Knowledge :: Dynalist
8. Academic Database and PDFs :: Paperpile (notes get archived in Dynalist)