Your System - Functions and Apps That Fulfill Them
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Posted by Paul Korm
Feb 6, 2019 at 09:58 PM
Nice topic. My tweaks of the original list.
1. Brainstorming :: iThoughtsX and/or Curio (on Windows: MindManager)
2a. Random Notetaking :: Bear (sometimes Curiota—but not much)
2b. Intentional Notetaking :: Agenda
3. Scheduling :: Fantastical 2 and DropTask (feeds Google -> Fantastical)
4. Task Management :: OmniFocus 3 and DropTask
5. Thought Processing :: TheBrain 10 and Curio and Tinderbox
6. Knowledge Archive :: DEVONthink Pro Office and Evernote
7. Project Knowledge :: I’m not sure what this category means vs. “Knowledge Archive”
8. Mail: Apple Mail (macOS) and Outlook (Windows 10)
9. Writing: Word (mainly Windows 10); Ulysses (sometimes)