Visual Outliner (new from the developer of Goal Enforcer)
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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Nov 14, 2018 at 02:12 PM
Stephen, I still miss ADM. I agree about it being “very compelling visually”. ADM was attractive, and I liked that it didn’t look like a Windows program - it had its own character.
Stephen Diamond wrote:
I, for one, don’t object to charging a premium price based partly on the
>strength of the underlying concept. The idea of making a brainstorming
>tool very compelling visually is, I think, sound. My favorite
>brainstorming tool was ADM, although I didn’t use many of the features
>when brainstorming. Its visual compellingness was actually decisive.
>Some of the VO themes even resemble ADM.
>Unfortunately, this outliner also shares ADM’s major flaw, the absence
>of undo. Isn’t it obvious that a brainstorming tool should allow you to
>painlessly go back?
>For me to use this product, it needs only two major features, but (based
>on memories with others, like MaxThink) undo may be hard to implement if
>it’s not there from the start. The other major feature is multiple
>selection. Incidentally, I wasn’t able to get contiguous selection to
>work. (Dragging the selection mark didn’t extend it but caused it to