Visual Outliner (new from the developer of Goal Enforcer)
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Posted by Stephen Diamond
Nov 13, 2018 at 09:45 PM
I, for one, don’t object to charging a premium price based partly on the strength of the underlying concept. The idea of making a brainstorming tool very compelling visually is, I think, sound. My favorite brainstorming tool was ADM, although I didn’t use many of the features when brainstorming. Its visual compellingness was actually decisive. Some of the VO themes even resemble ADM.
Unfortunately, this outliner also shares ADM’s major flaw, the absence of undo. Isn’t it obvious that a brainstorming tool should allow you to painlessly go back?
For me to use this product, it needs only two major features, but (based on memories with others, like MaxThink) undo may be hard to implement if it’s not there from the start. The other major feature is multiple selection. Incidentally, I wasn’t able to get contiguous selection to work. (Dragging the selection mark didn’t extend it but caused it to disappear.)