General Knowledge Base vs Ask Sam vs Idea
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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Jan 20, 2008 at 06:03 PM
Stephen, I am fortunate b/c the material is in my field so I can quickly set the structure, all the more so when cloning allows for multiple appearances of the same thing—the structure need not be perfect, and I do not have to obsess. I do not have to obsess. I do not have to obsess. I do not…. Anyhow, you get my point.
I have tried a number of mind map programs—recently got MindGenius as I noted her a few months ago.
On a slightly different front, am trying to determine whether a mind map or a concept map is the best way for me to set up a knowledge base on brain structure and function. Any thoughts. I do know that visual is key to remembering and getting the over-view of an ever-dynamic process with more feedback loops and detours than an interstate highway construction process in the midst of an urban freeway system.
There is a program called Recall Plus that is, I think, a more refined attempt to do what SuperMemo attempts.
Also, in the analogue world, immediate and spontaneous use of index cards for anything—with no prior sense of classifying anything—is a very powerful modality in this whole process.
What are you using these days for idea processing and management—because it always seems you’re into fairly complex, conceptually oriented material of a legal and/or philosophical bent.
Stephen R. Diamond wrote:
>I thought that by this morning I would remember the name of the program, but it
>still eludes me. In principle it sounds to me like what you are doing is a perfect task
>for that German multi-dimensional outliner that you used to like.
>One thing to
>consider is whether you will build an organization _out of_ the documents, or you will
>impose an organization _on_ them. If you can pretty much figure out what the
>categories should be beforehand, it will probably be most efficient first to create
>the structure. You might want to use an outline processor or mind mapper to determine
>the structure. I think that Idea! is more convenient than UltraRecall, when you have
>an a priori structure. Again, that German multi-dimensional product _sounds_
>ideal, although I haven’t used it.
>Considering the pressure, probably Ultra
>Recall is the way to go. I think the New Year’s poll in this forum supports it as an
>excellent general purpose organizer. Note that I haven’t used it for some time.