Comparing Windows and Macintosh Applications
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jan 8, 2008 at 08:07 PM
To the list of programs that exist on both Mac and PC, you can add Super Note Card, which is Java-based.
On the other hand, you have Tinderbox, which has been promising a PC version for at least five years.
I owned a Mac II about 18 years ago. Since then, I’ve had virtually no experience with Mac computers or software. However, when I look at the screen shots and features lists of programs like Scrivener, DevonThink and OmniOutliner I get the impression that they are richer in features and more powerful. The closest thing to Scrivener on the PC might be Liquid Story Binder, a program full of functions. However LSB does not integrate these functions as Scrivener appears to. Sometimes I think the switch to a MacBook would be worth it just to get my hands on Scrivener.
But on the negative (at least to me) is the fact that most Mac software has a depressingly similar appearance. Contrast that to Zoot, MyInfo, LSB, EverNote, or even OneNote. I like that software can have its own personality on the PC—something that seems to be lacking on the Mac (the impression I get just from looking at screen shots online).
Steve Z.