The Five Applications Most Used in 2007
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Posted by Stephen R. Diamond
Jan 3, 2008 at 02:57 AM
Alexander Deliyannis wrote
>A few
>notes of caution on the above:
>- Brainstorm: I use it for much more than it has been
>intended for. I have a huge file with my academic notes and the program has began to
>crash on me recently. I need to use something else as my long-term information
>archive; Zoot is probably what I need, but I am still learning.
Creating a database is a supported use of Brainstorm. How big is too big a file? Do the developers agree the file is larger than Brainstorm can handle?
>- Opera: it has been my
>favourite browser since version 4.0 (when it was still shareware). To my surprise, I
>recently discovered that it is very processor-hungry and am trying out
>alternatives. I do wonder whether it’s just version 9.2x that has this
Version 9.5, in beta, is supposed to address infrastructural issues. The beta isn’t suitable for work use, as it is somewhat unstable and annoyingly incomplete. But it is noticeably faster, at least subjectively the fastest browser on my system. My guess is process usage has improved, but I haven’t looked at it.