Curio 12 is m
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Apr 28, 2018 at 10:54 AM
I understand what you’re saying. I have that problem with Curio as well. Blank canvas. So many choices of how to start. Makes my brain freeze up sometimes.
But I’ve been reading the lamenting about OneNote going cloud-only, and Curio is an excellent replacement for the Mac version of OneNote. In fact, in my view, Curio is a far superior application for Mac users than ON is, unless you need cross platform options. Curio integrates with your calendar. It has some nice features for working with PDFs. You can attach a full-featured note to any of the figures you put into Curio. And, of course, you can make your pages beautiful… if you care about that.
On the other hand, OneNote is sort of free, while Curio isn’t.
Steve Z.
Dellu wrote:
I tried it many times and dropped it. I just get blocked what to do with
>it. My mind just freezes.
>for Tinderbox, my choices are just two: Outline or map. I always go with
>the maps.
>Scapple; just a map; no other option even exists.
>Curio is just a conglomerate of features: I find it very hard to chose
>which of the moods to use at a point. Many features give users the
>choice. It also causes some kind of pain for a beginner. The
>psychological term for the kind of problem, I recently learned, is
>called “decision fatigue”.
>Shall I write them as lists, or as outlines, or mind-maps? which one is
>the best for the task? which works best with other application? I often
>keep on asking these question still freezing in front of the big panel.
>This is no a problem with the application per se. I just experience
>this weird psychological barrier with this application so often that I
>finally gave up even trying.
>But, I love Curoita. it has remains so important part of my workflow.